Silver and Sawdust

A broken man, a blind father, and a silver bullet
Trapped under fur. To survive he must break every law known to man. One hope remains.
Trapped under fur. To survive he must break every law known to man. One hope remains.
This short story is part of the MOONLIGHT & CLAWS anthology (available in ebook and paperback!)
Now you may not be partial to werewolves…I know I’d never want to meet one. 😰
✏️ But many of the authors in this anthology are Christians. Which makes for a fantastic (and often faith-building) take on the tragic wolfman story.
Interest piqued? Click on, brave soul…
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Our CLUB is a place for amazing Christians to read, find out about, and discuss all sorts of excellent
sci-fi, fantasy, and mind-bending stories and to grow into better people because of what we've read and how we've interacted.
We love because he first loved us.