Sola Deo Gloria means “All For the Glory of God.” It’s an attitude about life.

1) It’s not all about me.

2) It’s not all about mankind.

3) It’s not all about nature.

4) It’s not all about aliens, or something ‘out there’ that eludes us.

I exist for one purpose.  That is, “I” exist for a purpose that God determined.  As His creature, I am subservient to Him. So whatever He wants for me I can either DO or NOT DO.  If I figure it out, and DO it, I’m sure it will go well for me. If I decide to NOT DO.  Well, I would guess that if a creator makes something that “doesn’t work right” he’s going to decide to not use it.

What is my purpose?  Oh, the eternal question.  “WHY AM I HERE?”

Back to the Catechism questions:

Q1-What is the chief end of Man?

A1-Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.

The purpose of mankind is to glorify God.  More than that, there’s a bonus. We get to benefit from that as well.  We get to enjoy Him, and that eternally!  Pretty good deal, if I figure it out, and if I DO it.

But of course, we can only start down that road if God Himself calls us, so it’s up to Him in the first place.


Then the reason I live today…the way I work…the way I talk to my family…the choices I make…need to fall in line with what honors God, with what brings Him that GLORY that is due Him.

If it’s all about God, we are required to look at the world through the perspective of God.  And so it’s essential that we read the Bible.  It’s essential that we live according to it.


Marcellus and Byziana soon find out just how powerful God is, and how weak they are.  What can they do to get out from under–what seems to be–the wrath of God?  If all is for the glory of God, if it is all about God, then what role to the small insignificant people have on this earth?  How can we know?  These are some BIG QUESTIONS rattling the faith of our main characters in Trunk of Scrolls.