superman3 Hollow and Deceptive American Way

June 4, 2013 at 12:13am

by Darlene N. Bocek

I have lived in Turkey for more than a fifteen years, and just get back to America every-so-often. Because of this, I get a sampling of the changes that other Americans are experiencing even more slowly. For me, the changes are sharp, because I wasn’t a part of the whole societal change.  For people living in America, the changes might not be as noticeable.

I have noticed a general pattern of the church giving way to the world, bending to these ideas, and forsaking Biblical Christianity.

firecracker-801902_1920Here are the principles of this world to beware of:

Moral Relativism

The belief system that claims that individuals determine personal morals and there is no absolute morality to refer to.  A particular culture, social location, or political climate dictates what is moral about a certain situation. “It may be wrong for you, but it’s right for me.” This belief is inconsistent with Biblical Christianity.  It is also illogical.  God is the definition of morality, The Bible is the revealed plumbline.

Narcissistic Hedonism

In this belief system, pleasing oneself is the highest pursuit, and personal fulfillment takes priority over any other standard of life.  “I did it my way.” This belief is inconsistent with Biblical Christianity. Pleasing God and enjoying Him is the highest pursuit.

Autonomous Individualism

“I can do what I want.” This is belief system that considers the individual the ultimate authority. “There is no objective truth or value before which one’s will, one’s liberty, must yield in obedience.” This belief is inconsistent withBiblical Christianity. God is the only one worthy of worship, He is the Truth to whom we submit.

Reductive Naturalism

“Prove it.” Only those things that can be proven empirically, through experience or science, are true. Knowledge is limited to the natural world, and if it cannot be put to a scientific test to be proven or disproven, it cannot exist or be true.  This belief is inconsistent with Biblical Christianity.  Without faith it is impossible to please God, and God is spirit, by definition not bound to empirical proofs.

The four philosophical approaches to life listed above reflect the American way of life. None of them are based on Scriptural teaching, and a person cannot reasonably believe in both Biblical Christianity and any of those ideologies.

Biblical Christianity

Who is God?  A Creator-God made the world, for His own glory.  “God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.”  He is the source of truth, goodness, and right.

What is Man? 

The purpose of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Man’s sinfulness, which is abhorrent to God, separates all sinners eternally from Him, and leads them to hate God and hate the righteousness he represents. (See this passage).  All people are called to repentance, but only some people are effectively called to be children of God.  The blood of Christ is the means by which these people are forgiven of their sins, justified by their faith in that sacrifice.

How We Know Right from Wrong

While general revelation both in nature and in conscience reveals to mankind that there is a God, it is insufficient to relay details of this salvation.  These details can be found only and exclusively through God’s written Word in The Bible.  All of those whose sins have been forgiven by faith in the blood of Christ will produce fruit of godliness that proves their faith.

While the Bible does not teach them, it refers to the general overview of them all, as referred to in Judges 17 and 21:  “And everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”  The context of these verses show consequences due to divine displeasure at those who follow their own dictates instead of the ones God has revealed to man.

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.” Colossians 2:8

ACTION POINT: Do you object to my criticism of any of these ideas? Do you have examples of how you’ve seen them? Please share your ideas with other readers by COMMENTING below…