Facts of the Matter: Ancient Antioch–Her History, Earthquakes, Mosaics & Grail


Here is an amazing collection of all sorts of PRIMARY SOURCE material regarding Antioch.  Thanks to Antiochepedia for all the hard foot-work. I depended a lot on the resources here in my writing of Trunk of Scrolls.

Ancient Worlds

“What city can we say is worthy to be compared with this? More fortunate than the oldest, it is superior to some in size, surpasses others in the nobility of its lineage, and others in its all-producing territory.” Libanius

This link gives a basic introduction to Ancient Antioch of Syria. It also has links to the City District, the Port of Seleucia Pieria and the suburb of Daphne.

Antioch Earthquakes March 526 and November 528 (pdf)

This is a study on the earthquakes in the area, but also has primary source quotations on the Antioch earthquakes mentioned in Trunk of Scrolls. See Account 034, p.355+

Also see Chronicle of Zuqnin, p.44-47

This gives details about the Great Church, Bishop Euphrasius & the cross in the sky among other things.

Secret Relics of Antioch (pdf)

This has interesting research as to the ancient city of Antioch, with particular focus on the “Shroud” and other “Passion Relics,” including the Holy Grail of Antioch.  As in any history research of secret things, this has a few “leaps into possibilities” presented as fact. But the author is sincere in his quest, and his conclusions make for a curious read.

The  Megalopsychia Mosaic:

The Pagan Virtues in Syrian Antioch, JSTOR research article (PDF)

Explore the Mosaic: click picture below