Which Way is UP?

What is True?

Have you ever wondered how we can really know what is true? Why do we have the world map with America and Russia at the top and Australia at the bottom? Somehow mapmakers agreed on a North Pole at the Top world map, and that is what we are used to. This map makes me dizzy.

Maps used to be very different than they are today. Here is a 16th century map of Turkey. It’s pointing the wrong way! Up is east! The SOURCE of this map graphic has some amazing old maps to take a look at. Perspective is everything.


But aside from cartography, a related question about UP and DOWN is how it is how many people view morality and ethics.  Commonly voted “right” is right.  Many questions are out there, wondering about the world and conscience. Having no UP and no DOWN, they have to scrape together their own answers.

With the common factor that GOD MUST HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

8 Great Philosophical Questions We Will Never Solve


10 Big Questions

are two sites that struggle to make sense of a world with no up and down.

What is Conscience?

Conscience is an internal alarm system connected to the lifeforce of humankind that warns us when we cross a line.

While someone might say that society creates these rules, it disregards all outliers.  If society determines right and wrong, and this is passed on to next generations through child-rearing and social pressure/stigma, it still does not explain why people object to that. Why did people in Nazi Germany speak against the momentum of society? Why did their standard not match society? “I was not raised to kill people,” they might answer. And yet they want the killing to stop. Because in us we believe those standards apply to others. “So the Nazis should not kill others in cold-blood, too.”

If someone claims that truth or right/wrong is relative, they can also not say that anyone else is ever doing wrong. You could train your own kids only, to pass on the information. But imposing any sense of right or wrong upon anyone else contradicts your claim.  “But my disagreeing is social pressure/stigma.” If majority wins, any outlier should conform. Even if it is you.

Conscience warns of a consequence awaiting us.  Can we trust Conscience? What Did Einstein Say about this?

Everyone needs to know which way is UP. Some people crawl through life, switching their ups and downs all the time. But there is no peace. It is chaos. And the voice of conscience is so loud.

WHAT DO YOU THINK? I look forward to your comments below!