
If we have learned anything from these warnings, EVACUATIONS for Hurricane Irma and Pac NW Fires, it is the reality and mercy of the urgent need to…

“Flee from the Wrath to Come!”

Do you hear the alarm? Do you not worry about the God of Nature? Why does he stir up the storms? Why the earthquakes? Why the fires? Why so few lives lost? What mercy, what strength, what warning.

Hear Charles Spurgeon’s words:

“Flee from the Wrath to Come!”

“Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?” [Matthew 3:7]

“Who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us.” [Hebrews 6:18]

I. First, dear friends, let us think of THE TREMENDOUS DANGER which overtakes all men and women who do not flee from it.

1. I remark, first:, that this “coming wrath” is absolutely just and necessary.

2. Nor is “the coming wrath” any the less sure because it is delayed.

3. I tremble as I try to speak of this “coming wrath” because, when it does come it will surely be something very terrible because divinity enters into the essence of it.

II. Now, in the second place, I want, just; for a few minutes, to tell you about THE MEANS OF ESCAPE. John the Baptist said to the Pharisees and Sadducees, “Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?”

By this question, he seemed to imply that there is no way of deliverance from “the coming wrath” but by fleeing from it.

1. First, we flee from the coming wrath by taking immediate action.

2. Fleeing means, not only immediate action, but swift action.

3. To flee also means to run directly to your object.

Notice how John the Baptist explained to those Pharisees and Sadducees the way in which they had to flee. He told them,

1. First, that they must repent.

2. Secondly, that repentance must be practical.

3. Then John went on to say to the Pharisees and Sadducees that they must give up all the false hopes which they had cherished: “Do not think you can say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.” �

How does Christ deliver us from “the coming wrath?” He does it by putting himself into our place, and putting us into his place.

((These are Spurgeon’s outlined points: See the detailed sermon here:
