Jesus Washes The Disciples’ Feet Take a look at this study of John 13, an article I wrote for Modern Reformation Magazine. May it strengthen you and build you in our mutual faith as you consider the spiritual principle of UP is...
Market, Money, Time and Faith Porn Fiction

Market, Money, Time and Faith Porn Fiction

I am in the process of writing a very fun sci-fi suspense trilogy. I call it Pogland. Fun and challenging and time-consuming (which is why I’ve been off of social media).  If you know me, you know I have some strong views on the role theology needs to play in...
Bible Quotes for Writers

Bible Quotes for Writers

Purpose for Writing: The Glory of God The heavens are telling of the glory of God;And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.Day to day pours forth speech,And night to night reveals knowledge.There is no speech, nor are there words;Their voice is not...
Hoping for Better Things

Hoping for Better Things

Book Review: We Hope for Better Things by Erin Bartels There are two things I look for in Christian fiction. One is creativity, the second is meaning. We Hope for Better Things debut novel by Erin Bartels gives you both. Erin Bartels is wife of Zachary Bartels, author...
Heartache, Broken People

Heartache, Broken People

Mental problems are probably the most feared type of issue Christians face. Yes, we’re afraid of hunger and pain. But God will provide and God will comfort, and eventually these kinds of sufferings will be solved. But problems like we see in Broken Pieces are the ones...



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