BIG QUESTIONS OF LIFE The following are significant topics and big questions on Quora. I believe that the Big Questions of life are put here by God as a Writing on the Wall, similar to the divine writing in the story in the Book of Daniel. I firmly believe that God...
The Vote: Pick Your Poison, or is it something else?
I thought I wouldn*t watch the Presidential Debates. I thought I would just stick my head in the sand and hope for the election to be over before I pulled it out again. But I watched the SNL parody of the Presidential Debates which made me wonder about the actual...
Twilight Zone Worldview Lessons
Using THESE videos, you can prepare your students for the big ideas they will face in life. These lesson plans address the Christian worldview versus the status-quo worldview.
Hollow and Deceptive American Way
Hollow and Deceptive American Way June 4, 2013 at 12:13am by Darlene N. Bocek I have lived in Turkey for more than a fifteen years, and just get back to America every-so-often. Because of this, I get a sampling of the changes that other Americans are experiencing...