
Geometric mosaic close-up, Zeugma

Endorsements for Darlene N. Böcek

“Church history is exciting, but not always told in an exciting way.  As historical fiction,Trunk of Scrolls transports the reader to another time and place while making it all seem less remote.  Written in vivid—sometimes almost poetic—prose, this is a page-turner.  I’m sure that it will reach the wide audience that it deserves.”

Dr. Michael S. Horton

Professor of Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary California since 1998, Editor-in-Chief of Modern Reformation Magazine, and President and host of the nationally syndicated radio broadcast, The White Horse Inn

I love stories where families pull together as they struggle through all the difficulties and hardships of life – with only one true guiding light. This is exactly what you get in Trunk of Scrolls. You also get high drama in situations that will warm your heart, break your heart and strengthen your family. It will help your family see the only solution and what it means to follow Christ in a broken and threatening world.

Pastor Scott Brown

National Center for Family Integrated Churches

Trunk of Scrolls is an illuminating story written with the novelist’s eye for the telling detail. Darlene Bocek does more than tell a story—she breathes life into church history and inspires us to reverence for the Sacred Writings.  A sparkling tale that is rich with meaning.”

Jill Nelson, World Magazine correspondent


“This exciting and engaging story takes us back to the sixth century in order to consider the most critical question of every age: Who is Jesus Christ? A great read!”

Dr. Joel R. Beeke

President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan


Trunk of Scrollsis a fascinating and entertaining story. A joy to read. If you like to be engaged as you read and see how Scripture can help you make good choices through difficult situations, this story is for you.”

Dr. Darrell Bock

Executive Director for Cultural Engagement, Howard G. Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership and Cultural Engagement Senior; Research Professor of New Testament Studies Dallas Theological Seminary

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