When I get to heaven, one of the big things on my list is to find John Gerstner. What a jewel. I just want to meet him.

I was introduced to him last year through a Ligonier video series he did in the 90’s called Handout Apologetics.

The kids and I just finished watching the series again as part of this year’s Apologetics course, and again I remember my plans to find his mansion when I get there.

I want to thank him. You might have noticed that the Sola series I have on my blog has a broken link for the Sola Fides section. This is due to John Gerstner. The picture I have on there is from Indiana Jones stepping out over the chasm in The Last Crusade. After the Apologetics course last year I rethought everything I believed about faith. So consequently until I redo that webpage I have taken it offline.

[update 1/5/16- Sola Fides ONLINE now!]

Faith is not what I thought it was.

So I would like to recommend the same
Handout Apologetics that changed my life.

You can watch the series for free on Ligonier.org. (click the picture below).

More on Apologetics later. Meanwhile, enjoy your visit with my (someday) friend, John Gerstner:

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The first four lessons are REASONS AGAINST REASON that Christians tend to use. Wow! God bless you in your pursuit of FAITH.

COMMENTS:  What about you? Do you think faith requires reasons? OR is faith an end in itself?

Update July 2017: In their discussion on Natural Theology, or evidence of God through the natural world and philosophy, White Horse Inn Podcast gave a significant hat-tip to dear John Gerstner. Please listen to this episode: