Mysterious Family

This Istrian stone monolith was found in 1588, near Ravenna as a part of the city wall.  It is from the mid-first century. You have a family–a woman with her arm around a man (her husband?) and a sleeping/deceased girl-child in her arms. Underneath the man and...

3 Crucial Principles for Student Online Research

1.  All students and parents should have a content filter/accountability system.  Our family’s favorite is Covenant Eyes which allows for age-appropriate content filtering. The program also saves a searchable record of all internet activity. We all get pulled astray....
7 Sources for Primary Document Research

7 Sources for Primary Document Research

Research Guide Instead of looking for primary source documents with a random Google Search, start with actual history sites! What to do: Let’s say you have the prompt:  “What were the three most significant causes of the Fall of Rome” 1. Plan your...



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