by Darlene N. Böcek | Oct 9, 2016
I thought I wouldn*t watch the Presidential Debates. I thought I would just stick my head in the sand and hope for the election to be over before I pulled it out again. But I watched the SNL parody of the Presidential Debates which made me wonder about the actual...
by Darlene N. Böcek | Oct 8, 2016
–Sorry! THIS CONTEST IS OVER.– –But click the Picture below for a FREE BOOK– Trunk of Scrolls: a Family Adventure Novel HOT OFF THE PRESS… Two Prizes! FREE BOOK or $20 Amazon Gift Card Last Day to Enter Raffle or Contest: December 13,...
by Darlene N. Böcek | Oct 4, 2016
Click to explore what the ancient world would have wished to have for their travel planning… ORBIS is a research map that shows distances and travel situations during the Roman times.
by Darlene N. Böcek | Sep 30, 2016
ALIENS An interesting thing these aliens… I do believe in aliens. “How can you believe in aliens if you are a Reformed Christian?” you may ask. (Reformed Christians find themselves in the conservative-logical camp, and alien-believers tend to be...
by Darlene N. Böcek | Aug 30, 2016
Take a look at this fun exploration of history by the Bones in My Backyard Ancient History research team… Making History Fun For more information on how to do history, take a look at 10 ESSENTIALS OF HISTORY...
by Darlene N. Böcek | Jul 14, 2016
The Name Christianity came to Persia in a strange way. It happened at the Byzantine Gates. Caesar Augustus, of Bethlehem Nativity fame, died in 14 AD, when Jesus was a teenager. Archelaus, besides being the son in law of Herod the Great (of Nativity infamy) was also...