BIG QUESTIONS OF LIFE The following are significant topics and big questions on Quora. I believe that the Big Questions of life are put here by God as a Writing on the Wall, similar to the divine writing in the story in the Book of Daniel. I firmly believe that God...

When Myth Became Fact: C.S. Lewis

To follow up on my History of Myth post on Quora, here is the chapter “MYTH BECAME FACT” from GOD IN THE DOCK by C.S. Lewis My friend Corineus has advanced the charge that none of us are in fact Christians at all.  According to him historic Christianity is something...
Close as Your Next Phone Call: The Story of Scripture

Close as Your Next Phone Call: The Story of Scripture

STORY OF SCRIPTURE The Word in the World Pentateuch For thousands of years the people of God had no full copy of God’s Word. The Israelites of the Exodus had the word of Moses, and the books he was writing. Otherwise it was hearsay. The judges had a couple more books....
Mystic Union between Christ and the Saints

Mystic Union between Christ and the Saints

What is the Bride of Christ? We know that the Church is the bride, but WHAT is this bride? Some implications seem, almost, vulgar. But it is a concept repeatedly used in Scripture, in the Wisdom books, in the Prophets, and most emphatically from Christ himself and...
Sarabi Dog of Alexander: Mystery and Fact

Sarabi Dog of Alexander: Mystery and Fact

What is the connection between Alexander, the Persian Mastiff (Sarabi dog), and the Turkish Kangal? Where did the dog come from? Which breed was Alexander’s dog? This article explores this mystery in depth. The Sarabi dog is featured in the novel TRUNK OF...
Bent by Suffering

Bent by Suffering

We are all like leaning trees, learning to bend to adversity.  “Then I noticed one crooked tree on the river. It leaned over the river as if there was a time it was going to fall in.” I tilted my hand at an angle. “But the tree’s top half was as straight as the others...



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