Faith-building “What-If” Fiction. Darlene is a thinker of big thoughts and a lover of nature’s message, and her words are a merger of both. Her fans enjoy being challenged by new people, strange places and old ideas helping them to think and grow like never before.
Darlene’s favorite genre to work in is near-future dystopia sci-fi, and her current “Pogland” dystopia trilogy is under consideration with publishers. It takes place in Los Angeles, has “aliens” and strange technology. As a native southern Californian, she likes to write about life and troubles there.
Her first work, Trunk of Scrolls, is available in paperback and ebook, and future work will be coming out in a variety of traditional and self-publishing methods. Darlene is grateful for endorsements by Michael Horton, Darrell Bock, and Joel Beeke.
A native of San Diego, California, she studied Social Science at Westmont College, emphasizing the ancient and modern Middle East, after which she received her teaching credentials. As she is connected to Westminster Theological Seminary of California, her speculative writing is confessionally reformed.
As an armchair student of natural theology, an ancient history aficionado, a methodical homeschool mother, and especially as a pastor’s wife in Turkey, Darlene loves bringing readers and students into a deeper appreciation of the depth and truths of Christianity.