by Darlene N. Böcek | Jul 15, 2018
In the name of one thing, they hang a banner declaring the character of God, his BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING, PATIENT LOVE. The problem with society’s use of the Rainbow today is the ironic REAL DECLARATION they unknowingly make. If you fly the flag, you preach the Bible...
by Darlene N. Böcek | Jul 3, 2018
This world is filled with Big Questions. People who know their God can understand the Big Questions, like Daniel could read the Writing on the Wall: “Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin.” God wrote two books. Both books give the same message, both together answer all...
by Darlene N. Böcek | Jun 26, 2018
This world is filled with Big Questions. About God. About our Future. About Suffering and Grief and Disaster. About Religion and Morality. About Love and Hate. These Big Questions assault us from every angle, and never leave us alone. Like Belshazzar who saw...
by Darlene N. Böcek | Mar 3, 2018
The story of King Ahaz, the Syrian threat versus the Assyrian hope, the Immanuel promise, and the names of Isaiah’s sons all point to one amazing truth: This suffering world is the venue for sorting people both by their deeds and by God-given faith. The first verses...
by Darlene N. Böcek | Mar 2, 2018
The story of King Ahaz, the Syrian threat versus the Assyrian hope, the Immanuel promise, and the names of Isaiah’s sons all point to one amazing truth: This suffering world is the venue for sorting people both by their deeds and by God-given faith....
by Darlene N. Böcek | Mar 1, 2018
The story of King Ahaz, the Syrian threat versus the Assyrian hope, the Immanuel promise, and the names of Isaiah’s sons all point to one amazing truth: This suffering world is the venue for sorting people both by their deeds and by God-given faith. King Ahaz has an...