That Darn Tree-Objections

That Darn Tree outlined step by step the argument explaining why it was always God’s Plan A to have suffering in the world. Since he made the world, he determined the weight of carbon and the location of earth in this neighborhood of the universe. The Goldilocks Zone...
Trunk of Scrolls as Curriculum

Trunk of Scrolls as Curriculum

Church History Curriculum Trunk of Scrolls is so full of history, it COULD HAVE been true! Omnibus II and Church History Curriculum Church Fathers to the Reformation, Trunk of Scrolls Tie-in When scheduling your year of Church Fathers to the Reformation, perhaps with...

What is Wrong with This Picture?

On the one hand, I understand the desire to use your talents to display yourself to the church. “He who can teach, teach…” etc. But this video (click to watch) is a travesty of worship. Here’s why… If you want to know how Church should...

Up and Down

What is True? Have you ever wondered how we can really know what is true? Why do we have the world map with America and Russia at the top and Australia at the bottom? Somehow mapmakers agreed on a North Pole at the Top world map, and that is what we are used to. This...

What Would Einstein Do?

What Did Einstein Say About God? Einstein thought it was unreasonable to think of an Eternal Being who would judge. The man who is thoroughly convinced of the universal operation of the law of causation cannot for a moment entertain the idea of a being who interferes...
Earthquakes and Agnosticism

Earthquakes and Agnosticism

1. The Accusation 2. The “Self-evident” Premises 3. The Y factor 4. Objectively Verifiable Truths   The accusation Neil deGrasse Tyson: It is not good for earthquakes to happen. It proves that there is no “good” God who made this system....