Non Fiction
That Darn Tree !

That Darn Tree !

Author: Darlene N. Bocek
Genre: Apologetics

Sometimes we just need answers. And the biggest one glaring everyone in the face is this: Why did God put a tree in the Garden, anyway? If he hadn't, we never would have had the Fall into Sin, this world wouldn't have suffering and pain, and we'd be already living in paradise! What's the big idea?

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That Darn Tree !
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150 Faith-Building Big Questions

150 Faith-Building Big Questions

Author: Darlene N. Bocek
Genre: Apologetics

A compilation of years of online answers to the biggest, common-man problems about God, about the Bible, and about the Christian faith. This collection will build your faith, answer by answer, as you consider the foundations of our faith: Scripture, the creeds and confessions, and the "Book of Nature."

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The Gem Bible Study Method, Blue



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