This world is filled with Big Questions. People who know their God can understand the Big Questions, like Daniel could read the Writing on the Wall: "Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin." God wrote two books. Both...
(Video) Big Questions 1: How Can I Know God?
This world is filled with Big Questions. About God. About our Future. About Suffering and Grief and Disaster. About Religion and Morality. About Love and Hate. These Big Questions assault us from...
Is the Bible Corrupted? (What to Make of Transmission Errors)
HAS JESUS BEEN JESUS MISQUOTED? Early church librarian, Pamphilus of Caesarea, in the mid-200s, would make copies of Scripture and "correct the manuscripts of the Bible." Even back then, there was a godly reverence for correctly copying Scripture. In spite of that,...
BIG QUESTIONS OF LIFE The following are significant topics and big questions on Quora. I believe that the Big Questions of life are put here by God as a Writing on the Wall, similar to the divine writing in the story in the Book of Daniel. I firmly believe that God...
John Gerstner and the Reasoning Mind
When I get to heaven, one of the big things on my list is to find John Gerstner. What a jewel. I just want to meet him. I was introduced to him last year through a Ligonier video series he did in the 90's called Handout Apologetics. The kids and I just finished...
Earthquakes and Agnosticism
1. The Accusation 2. The "Self-evident" Premises 3. The Y factor 4. Objectively Verifiable Truths The accusation Neil deGrasse Tyson: It is not good for earthquakes to happen. It proves that there is no "good" God who...