You Are What You Do

You Are What You Do

SEPARATING SHEEP FROM GOATS Separation filters are things in this life that prove what you are. They are tests, opportunities, situations, scenarios that require you to take a step one way or another. The step you take shows what you are. In Biblical Hebrew there is...

For Me

For Me

For Me Adam chose, for me --I could have done no better. . Christ died, for me --died as a man who could die for the trespass --rose as a God who had power over death. . But there are others who DID, for me... Mary Magdalene went, for me to take spices and service,...

Solus Christus

Solus Christus

Solus Christus. This means "In Christ Alone." Only by Christ's intervention. Only by the Coming-Between of Christ can we even hope for salvation. We cannot come on our own. We need that High Priest who has the right to come into the holy place, not by the blood of...

The Condescension of Christ

From Jonathan Edwards: The Excellency of Christ There do meet in Jesus Christ, infinite highness, and infinite condescension. Christ, as he is God, is infinitely great and high above all. He is higher than the kings of the earth; for he is King of Kings, and Lord of...




We want you with us!


Our CLUB is a place for amazing Christians to read, find out about, and discuss all sorts of excellent 
sci-fi, fantasy, and mind-bending stories and to grow into better people because of what we've read and how we've interacted


We love because he first loved us.

Welcome to the Club! Glad to have you among us.