We have all been hit by OUTLIERS. In school, when the teacher grades on a curve, outliers are the death of our grade. Everyone bombs a test, but because one kid gets a 90 it knocks down everyone else's grade. The phenomenon of OUTLIERS is an important topic to...
Pi: Meaning or Message?
What is Pi? Is there a pattern? I came across this interesting page where the author tried to turn Pi into an image using binary. Here is the 2D version. And the 3D version: (download here: pi_turn_movie)...
Athiest Claims to See Hell
Can a changed life provide evidence that a proported event has happened? In the case below, this college professor on his death-bed experiences some of the pains of what he says was hell. The change in his life shows that SOMETHING happened. What would a scientist...
Twilight Zone Worldview Lessons
Using THESE videos, you can prepare your students for the big ideas they will face in life. These lesson plans address the Christian worldview versus the status-quo worldview.
John Gerstner and the Reasoning Mind
When I get to heaven, one of the big things on my list is to find John Gerstner. What a jewel. I just want to meet him. I was introduced to him last year through a Ligonier video series he did in the 90's called Handout Apologetics. The kids and I just finished...
IN THE BEGINNING... God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. And God said, "Let there be Light." Gen 1:1 Was the Word, and the Word was with...