Chickens, Boaz and Tears: Three Things that will Save your Eternal Life. Have you ever seriously considered the verse, "Away from me, I never knew you!" ? The Lord Jesus uses this warning in to show that not everyone who thinks...
That Darn Tree-Objections
That Darn Tree outlined step by step the argument explaining why it was always God’s Plan A to have suffering in the world. Since he made the world, he determined the weight of carbon and the location of earth in this neighborhood of the universe. The Goldilocks Zone...
A World Without Anthony
Antony Simon was the quintessential evangelist, pastor, teacher, missionary. We called him Anthony. People who knew him called him Tony or Antony. But for some reason our family called him Anthony. He was one of my husband’s best friends. Antony Simon was the pastor...
Grace & Peace to You: Early Christian Views on War & Peace
• “I serve Jesus Christ the eternal King. I will no longer serve your emperors. It is not right for a Christian to serve the armies of this world.” ~ Marcellus the Centurion, 298AD, spoken as he gave up his post in the army of Emperor Diocletian because of his faith....
ALIENS An interesting thing these aliens... I do believe in aliens. "How can you believe in aliens if you are a Reformed Christian?" you may ask. (Reformed Christians find themselves in the conservative-logical camp, and alien-believers tend to be "wackos.") Here's...
Disaster and Hope
To Please the People
At what point should a writer write to please the people, and at what point should a writer write what should be said? A lively discussion on this topic was recently on Steve Laube agency's "What's Wrong with my Book" blog post by Tamela Hancock Murray. The wise...
BEST OF THE BEST Sites for Writers
All Christians are in a state of flux... ALREADY/NOT YET: We are already, but not yet. We are already, but not yet. We are...