HAS JESUS BEEN JESUS MISQUOTED? Early church librarian, Pamphilus of Caesarea, in the mid-200s, would make copies of Scripture and "correct the manuscripts of the Bible." Even back then, there was a godly reverence for correctly copying Scripture. In spite of that,...
Mysterious Family
This Istrian stone monolith was found in 1588, near Ravenna as a part of the city wall. It is from the mid-first century. You have a family--a woman with her arm around a man (her husband?) and a sleeping/deceased girl-child in her arms. Underneath the man and...
7 Sources for Primary Document Research
Research Guide Instead of looking for primary source documents with a random Google Search, start with actual history sites! What to do: Let's say you have the prompt: "What were the three most significant causes of the Fall of Rome" 1. Plan your search. Before...
IN THE BEGINNING... God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. And God said, "Let there be Light." Gen 1:1 Was the Word, and the Word was with...