Time Travel with CGI

Time Travel with CGI

Doing history is more than just memorizing names and dates. You can do history from any platform, even from animation. 10 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS FOR DOING HISTORY This Computer Graphics team has turned old photos from 1931 New York into an amazing time-machine. Enjoy....

1290 Days

What would you do if you knew you only had 7 years left to live? What would you do if you knew the world had only 7 years left? I am not Chicken Little. I shy away from any kind of "end times" prophecy like I would the Tar Baby. A few months ago, and again the other...

Mysterious Family

This Istrian stone monolith was found in 1588, near Ravenna as a part of the city wall.  It is from the mid-first century. You have a family--a woman with her arm around a man (her husband?) and a sleeping/deceased girl-child in her arms. Underneath the man and...