Ratio Christi posted an article recently by Sean McDowell showing how our LOVE of story is evidence of God: OUR STORYTELLING NATURE PROVIDES EVIDENCE FOR GOD I came across this on Twitter just after reading this interesting post, from a completely different sector....
You Are What You Do
SEPARATING SHEEP FROM GOATS Separation filters are things in this life that prove what you are. They are tests, opportunities, situations, scenarios that require you to take a step one way or another. The step you take shows what you are. In Biblical Hebrew there is...
The Hem of the Savior’s Garment
Chickens, Boaz and Tears: Three Things that will Save your Eternal Life. Have you ever seriously considered the verse, "Away from me, I never knew you!" ? The Lord Jesus uses this warning in to show that not everyone who thinks...
Separation Filters: Isaiah 9
The story of King Ahaz, the Syrian threat versus the Assyrian hope, the Immanuel promise, and the names of Isaiah’s sons all point to one amazing truth: This suffering world is the venue for sorting people both by their deeds and by God-given faith. The first verses...
Separation Filters: Isaiah 8
The story of King Ahaz, the Syrian threat versus the Assyrian hope, the Immanuel promise, and the names of Isaiah’s sons all point to one amazing truth: This suffering world is the venue for sorting people both by their deeds and by God-given faith....
Separation Filters: Isaiah 7
The story of King Ahaz, the Syrian threat versus the Assyrian hope, the Immanuel promise, and the names of Isaiah’s sons all point to one amazing truth: This suffering world is the venue for sorting people both by their deeds and by God-given faith. King Ahaz has an...
Flee the Wrath to Come!
Flee! If we have learned anything from these warnings, EVACUATIONS for Hurricane Irma and Pac NW Fires, it is the reality and mercy of the urgent need to... "Flee from the Wrath to Come!" Do you hear the alarm? Do you not worry about the God of Nature? Why does he...
As a Christian, what is something that God has said (in the Bible) that you disagree with?
(Quora Question) As a Christian, what is something that God has said (in the Bible) that you disagree with?: My Answer: In Song of Solomon, which can be seen partly as an allegory to the relationship of Christ and the Church (*1), it is written You are altogether...